Let’s be honest for a moment…

You want your church to grow…

...we want your church to grow…

...and we actually think that’s a good thing
(and that you should NOT feel bad about it!)

Often times as pastors and church leaders we feel like our church should be growing, but we feel stuck and simply can’t figure out what’s wrong!

The Church Growth Workshop will provide you an opportunity to experience an atmosphere of encouragement, evaluate your current challenges and establish a plan to breakthrough the barriers that have been holding you back for far too long.

Workshop Pricing


  • 9am-3pm
  • Up to 5 people (including you)
  • $1,999 total

No matter the size of your church, every pastor hits a barrier that they can seem to break. Of course this is frustrating because you want to reach more people with the Gospel, see more lives changed, and transform communities.

Whether you’re stuck at 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, or even 10,000, we can help you and your team develop the best plan possible to continue reaching more people and experience healthy growth. 

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